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How to Move Domain from Root to Subdirectory: Step-by-Step Guide

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To move a domain from root to a subdirectory, update your server configuration and modify your website URLs. Ensure you handle redirects correctly to maintain SEO rankings.

Migrating a domain from the root to a subdirectory can seem challenging, but it’s manageable with the right approach. This process involves altering server settings and updating website URLs to reflect the new structure. Properly implementing redirects is crucial to prevent SEO ranking losses and ensure a smooth transition for users.

By carefully planning and executing each step, you can successfully move your domain without significant disruptions. This guide will help you understand the essential steps involved in this migration process, ensuring your website remains functional and search-engine friendly.

How to Move Domain from Root to Subdirectory: Step-by-Step Guide


Preparing For The Move

How to Move Domain from Root to Subdirectory

Moving a domain from root to subdirectory needs careful planning. Proper preparation ensures a smooth transition. Let’s explore the steps to get ready.

Backup Your Data

Always start with a full backup of your website. This includes:

  • Website files
  • Databases
  • Configuration settings

Use tools like cPanel, phpMyAdmin, or FTP clients for backups.

Store backups in a secure location. This way, you can restore if needed.

Check Domain Settings

Verify your current domain settings before making changes. Ensure that:

  • DNS records are correct
  • SSL certificates are valid
  • Redirection rules are noted

Keep a copy of your current .htaccess file. This file manages redirects and other settings.

Review your hosting plan. Ensure it supports subdirectories.

Setting Up The Subdirectory

Moving a domain from the root to a subdirectory can streamline your site. It makes it more organized and manageable. Here is a step-by-step guide to set up your subdirectory.

Create The Subdirectory

First, you need to create the subdirectory where your domain will reside. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your web hosting account.
  2. Open your File Manager.
  3. Navigate to the root directory of your domain.
  4. Click on the New Folder button.
  5. Name your new folder. For example, subdirectory.

Now, your subdirectory has been created. Next, you need to assign permissions to this folder.

Assign Permissions

Permissions are crucial to ensure that your subdirectory is accessible. To assign permissions:

  1. Right-click on the newly created folder.
  2. Select Change Permissions or File Permissions.
  3. Set the permissions to 755. This makes the folder readable and executable.

Permissions are now set correctly. Your subdirectory is ready to use.

1Create the subdirectory in File Manager
2Assign permissions to the subdirectory

These steps ensure that your subdirectory is set up properly. Your domain will now work smoothly in this new structure.

Migrating Content

Migrating your website’s content from the root directory to a subdirectory can improve organization. This step-by-step guide will help you achieve a smooth transition. Follow the instructions to ensure your content is safe and intact.

Copy Files To Subdirectory

First, create a new subdirectory in your server. Name it something relevant to your website’s structure. For example, if your site is about blogs, name it blog.

  • Access your website’s root directory using FTP or a file manager.
  • Select all files and folders you need to move.
  • Copy these files to the new subdirectory.

Ensure you do not move files directly. Copying ensures you have a backup in the root directory.

Verify File Integrity

After copying, verify that all files are correctly transferred. This step ensures no data is lost during the migration.

Check file sizesEnsure file sizes match the originals.
Check file countsCount files in both directories to ensure they match.
Test linksEnsure internal links work correctly in the subdirectory.

Open several files from the subdirectory to confirm they function as expected. If you encounter issues, revisit the copying step to ensure all files transferred correctly.

How to Move Domain from Root to Subdirectory: Step-by-Step Guide


Updating Links And Paths

Updating links and paths is crucial after moving your domain. Ensuring all links work correctly helps maintain user experience and SEO. This involves updating both internal and external links.

Internal Links

Internal links are links within your website. They help users navigate your site. After moving your domain, you need to update these links to point to the new subdirectory.

  • Identify all internal links in your content.
  • Update the href attribute in your HTML code.
  • Ensure each link points to the correct new path.

For example, if you moved from to, update your links accordingly. This can be done manually or using a script if you have many pages.

External Links

External links are links from other websites to your site. These need to be updated to point to your new subdirectory. This helps maintain your website’s SEO ranking.

Current LinkNew Link
  1. Contact webmasters of linking sites.
  2. Request they update their links to your new subdirectory.
  3. Provide them with the new URLs for easy updating.

Using these steps, you ensure your website remains functional. This also keeps your SEO intact after the domain move.

Configuring Redirects

Configuring redirects is a crucial step when moving a domain. Redirects ensure users and search engines find your new subdirectory. This process helps maintain your site’s SEO value.

301 Redirects

A 301 redirect permanently moves your content to a new location. It tells search engines the new address of your content. Here’s how to set up a 301 redirect:

  1. Open your .htaccess file. You can find it in your website’s root directory.
  2. Add the following code:
            Redirect 301 /
  3. Save the changes and upload the .htaccess file back to your server.

This simple code tells browsers and search engines to go to the new subdirectory.

Testing Redirects

After setting up your redirects, you need to test them. Testing ensures everything works as expected. Follow these steps:

  • Open a browser and type your old URL.
  • Check if it redirects to the new subdirectory.
  • If it doesn’t, recheck your .htaccess code for errors.

Use online tools like Redirect Checker to verify your 301 redirects. These tools help ensure your redirects are correctly set up.

Configuring and testing redirects is essential for a smooth domain move. It helps maintain your site’s traffic and SEO value.

Testing The New Setup

Testing the new setup after moving your domain to a subdirectory is essential. It ensures everything works as expected. Below are steps to check functionality and fix issues.

Check Functionality

Begin by checking the website’s basic functionality. Ensure all pages load correctly. Use a checklist:

  • Homepage displays properly
  • All internal links work
  • Images load without errors
  • Forms submit successfully

Tools like Google Search Console and Screaming Frog can help. They identify broken links and missing assets. Perform a thorough check to avoid any missed issues.

Fix Issues

After identifying issues, it’s time to fix them. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Update internal links to reflect the new subdirectory structure.
  2. Correct broken image paths and other media files.
  3. Ensure redirects are set up properly. Use .htaccess for Apache servers or web.config for IIS servers.
  4. Check for any missing CSS or JavaScript files.

Use the following example for an Apache server:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^old-directory/(.)$ /new-directory/$1 [R=301,L]

For WordPress users, plugins like Redirection can simplify the process. They help manage 301 redirects efficiently.

Final Steps

After migrating your domain from root to subdirectory, the final steps are crucial. These steps ensure smooth operation and maintain your site’s SEO health.

Update Seo Settings

Update all your SEO settings to reflect the new subdirectory structure. This includes updating your meta titles, meta descriptions, and canonical tags. Ensure all internal links point to the new URLs.

Use a 301 redirect to inform search engines about the move. This helps preserve your search engine rankings. Update your robots.txt file to allow search engines to crawl the new subdirectory.

Check your Google Search Console and update the site address. Re-submit your sitemap to ensure proper indexing of the new URLs.

Notify Users

Inform your users about the migration to the subdirectory. Use multiple channels such as email newsletters, blog posts, and social media updates. This keeps your audience engaged and aware of the changes.

Place a notice on your website to inform visitors about the new URL structure. This ensures they can find the content easily.

Here is a simple table to summarize the tasks:

Update SEO SettingsAdjust meta tags, internal links, and use 301 redirects.
Notify UsersInform through emails, blog posts, and social media.

Following these steps will ensure a smooth transition and maintain your site’s performance.

How to Move Domain from Root to Subdirectory: Step-by-Step Guide


Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Root Domain?

A root domain is the highest level of a website’s hierarchy. It typically includes the main website’s name and top-level domain (TLD). For example, in “example. com,” “example” is the main website’s name and “. com” is the TLD.

Why Move A Domain To A Subdirectory?

Moving a domain to a subdirectory can improve site organization. It allows better content segmentation and can enhance SEO by consolidating domain authority. This practice is useful for managing multiple sections of a website efficiently.

How Does A Subdirectory Affect Seo?

A subdirectory can positively impact SEO. It consolidates link equity, making your site more authoritative. This structure helps search engines index your content better, improving rankings. Properly managed subdirectories can boost organic traffic.

What Steps Are Needed To Move A Domain?

To move a domain, update your server configuration. Modify. htaccess or server settings to redirect traffic. Ensure all internal links are updated. Test thoroughly to avoid broken links. Backup your site before making changes.


Moving a domain from root to a subdirectory can enhance your site’s structure. Follow the steps carefully for a smooth transition. Properly managing redirects ensures minimal traffic loss. This process can improve SEO and user experience. Always test changes to avoid potential issues.

Your website will benefit from a more organized structure.

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